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Presentation of the articles
in the Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies was made possible
by a limited license granted to Loyola University Chicago and Middle East
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articles. The articles in this volume shall be cited as follows: Erlat, G., H.
Erlat, “Intra-Industry Trade and Labour Market Adjustment in Turkey”, Topics in
Middle Eastern and North African Economies, electronic journal, Volume 5, Middle East Economic Association and Loyola University
Chicago, September, 2003.
Guzin Erlat
Middle East Technical
Haluk Erlat
Middle East Technical
Keywords: Intra-Industry Trade, Marginal
Intra-Industry Trade, Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis, Panel Data
JEL Classification: F14, F16, J21,
trade, exports in particular, expanded considerably after the major policy
changes in 1980. Together with this expansion, there was also a significant
increase in intra-industry trade even though the major characteristic of
Turkish trade is still inter-industry. However, since intra-industry trade is
hypothesised to reduce adjustment costs due to trade expansion and changes in
trade patterns, this paper investigates whether this so-called “smooth
adjustment hypothesis” holds for Turkey, in view of the developments in the
post-1980 period.
1. Introduction
Turkey underwent important policy changes in 1980 involving trade
liberalization. As a result her trade, exports in particular, expanded
considerably. Together with this expansion, we also observed a significant
increase in intra-industry trade (IIT); i.e., the simultaneous buying and
selling of the same or similar commodities (Erlat, Erlat and Memis, 2002). Even
though the dominant characteristic of Turkey’s trade was still inter-industry,
the increase in IIT is very important because, on the one hand, it shows that
Turkey follows the changes in world trade patterns and, on the other hand, if
the expectations about the adjustment costs are lower with IIT compared to the
case of inter-industry trade, then the increase in IIT will be associated with
a reduction in labour costs since the reshuffling of factors of production
would take place within the industry instead of between industries. But,
whether this increase in IIT contributed to reductions in adjustments costs due
to trade expansion is open to question and needed to be investigated.
This reduction in costs, called the “smooth-adjustment hypothesis”
(SAH), is due to the fact that, movements in the labour market caused by trade
expansion will take place within industries if the share of IIT is high. In
fact, measures of IIT have been used to assess the degree of structural
adjustment required by trade expansion. In a previous paper, (Erlat et. al,
2002), we made use of IIT measures in this sense. The measures we utilized for
this purpose evaluated the share or level of IIT in new trade and are called
Marginal IIT (MIIT) measures. This concept and a measure were first introduced
into the literature by Hamilton and Kniest (1991). Improved measures were later
developed by Brülhart (1994) and it was his C-index, which
measures the level of MIIT that we used in our paper. In doing so, we operated
under the simplifying assumption that changes in adjustment costs (measured as
changes in employment) were exactly matched by the changes in trade flows.1
In this paper, we undertake an econometric approach to
testing the SAH. Such studies are rather limited in number. A number of them
may be found in Brulhart and Hine (1999) but the majority of these studies only
investigate simple correlations between employment changes and measures of IIT
and MIIT. As to the econometric studies; the problem is investigated for
Belgium by Tharakan and Calfat (1999), for Greece by Sarris, Papadimitriou and
Mavrogiannis (1999), for Ireland by Brülhart
(2000), for Malaysia by Brülhart and Thorpe
(2000), and for the U.K. by Brulhart and Elliott (2002) and Greenaway, Hines
and Milner (2002). Evidence in favour of the SAH are found for Ireland and
Greece, but none for Belgium and Malaysia. The evidence for the U.K. are mixed.
Brulhart and Elliott (2002) find evidence in favour of the SAH and, also in
favour of using MIIT indexes instead of an IIT index to represent the
contribution that intra-industry trade makes, while Greenaway et al. (2002:
271) conclude that there is no evidence of “… a systematic relationship between
the type of trade expansion (inter- or intra-industry) and the type of employment
adjustment (within or between industry adjustment) or that there is less labour
market adjustment associated with intra- than inter-industry trade.”
All countries cited above are developed except
Malaysia. Both because the Turkish economy is closer, in this respect, to the
Malaysian economy and because we do not have access to the data on some of the
variables (the proxies for the dependent variable, in particular) used by Brülhart (2000), Brülhart and Elliot (2002) and Greenaway et al.
(2002) (which are the more sophisticated of the econometric applications listed
above), we have applied the model in Brülhart
and Thorpe (2000) to Turkish data. Thus, in the next section, we give some
information about the intra-industry structure of Turkish international trade
and, in doing so, also introduce the measures of IIT and MIIT that we shall
utilize. In section 3, the model will be specified. The data used in the
econometric application will be described in Section 4 and the empirical
results will be presented. Section 5 will contain our conclusions.
2. Intra-Industry Structure of Turkish Trade
In Erlat et al (2002) we extensively investigated the IIT structure of Turkish international trade, based on 3-digit SITC (Rev. 3) data. In the present case, we needed to use an industrial classification; hence, the trade data that we shall base our analysis upon will be for 3-digit ISIC (Rev. 2) industrial sectors. They cover the period 1969-2001 and are measured in $US. They were obtained from the State Institute of Statistics (SIS) database.
We first calculated the Grubel and
Lloyd (GL) (1971) index for each 3-digit industry. Letting Xit and Mit stand for the
exports and imports of industry i in period t, respectively, the GL index for
the ith industry at time t may be expressed as
GLit lies between 0
and 1, with values close to unity indicating a high rate of IIT for the ith
industry. We may aggregate the GLit across industries by
obtaining its weighted average, using the shares of each industry in total
trade as the weights. The resultant expression becomes,
We calculated for both total trade
and trade in manufactured products. The plots of both indexes are given in
Figure 1. We note that the rate of IIT was low and declining prior top 1980,
after which we observe a rapid increase, particularly in the manufacturing
industries, until 1986, after which it slightly declines to its pre-1985 level,
picking-up again after 1994. The manufacturing sector appears to be
instrumental in the rise of IIT.
Let Xit and Mit, again, denote
the exports and imports of industry i at period t, and let Xi,t-n and Mi,t-n be the exports
and imports of i at period t-n where . Denote Xit - Xi,t-n by DXin and Mit - Mi,t-n by DMin.2
Then, Brulhart (1994)’s A-index to measure MIIT for each industry may be
expressed as,
and varies between
0 and 1. Values close to unity indicate that marginal trade is predominantly of
the intra-industry type.
The Ain indexes may be
aggregated across sectors in exactly the same way as the GL index, by obtaining
their weighted average using
as weights. The
resultant average then becomes
We calculated this average for both
total and manufacturing industry trade and for different subperiods. These
subperiods were decided upon by inspecting the plots of the GL indexes given in
Figure 1. The results are presented in Figure 2. There are two subperiods prior
to 1980 and we note that MIIT is less than 20% in both of them; in fact, it is
even lower than 5% for the 1975-1979 period. Things improve considerably after
1980. The largest jump is in the 1980-85 period. There is some decline in the
next two periods. This decline is more pronounced in the MIIT component of
total trade compared to that of manufacturing industry trade. However, during
the last period, 1994-2001, we observe a significant increase in MIIT,
particularly in manufacturing industry trade.
To sum up; the Turkish economy has
exhibited considerable expansion in its international trade after 1980 and both
IIT and MIIT have shown appreciable increase as a result of this expansion. The
manufacturing sector appears to be the primary mover in all these developments.
3. The Model
mentioned in the Introduction, we follow Brulhart and Thorpe (2000) and
estimate the following two specifications of an equation designed to account
for changes in employment in 3-digit ISIC (Rev. 2) manufacturing industries:
LDEMPLit = b0 + b1 LDCONSit + b2 LDPRODit + b3 LTREXit + b4 IITit + uit (5)
LDEMPLit = b0 + b1 LDCONSit + b2 LDPRODit + b3 LTREXit + b4 IITit (6)
+ b5 (IITxLTREX)it + uit
where uit = mi + eit and eit ~iid(0, s2). We assume the
cross-section component mi to be fixed
since the 3-digit industries that make-up the panel have not been chosen at
random. Hence, both specifications are estimated using a fixed effects
estimator that is, basically, OLS with cross-section dummies.
The variables used may be defined as
The natural log of the absolute value of the change in employment (L) between t and t-n.
LDCONS = The natural log of the absolute value of the change in aparent consumption (C = Q + M - X) between t, t-n, Q being output.
The natural log of the absolute value of the change in labour productivity, measured as output per worker, between t and
natural log of trade exposure [(X+M)/Q].
IIT = May be GL, DGL or A.
IITxLTREX = The interaction
between IIT and trade exposure.
LDEMPL is a proxy for the costs of
adjustment in the labour market. The assumption is that the costs of moving
labour across industries is proportional to the size of net changes in wage
payments and, furthermore, that this proportion is the same for all industries
and over time. The expected sign for the coefficient of LDCONS is positive. One
would expect the coefficient of LDPROD to be negative since increases in
productivity would tend to reduce the labour requirement to produce the same
level of output. This expectation is supported by evidence from the accounting
measure of employment change found in, e.g., Tharakan and Calfat (1999) for
Belgium, Sarris et al. (1999) for Greece and Erlat (2000) for Turkey. The prior
expectation for the coefficient of LTREX is that it should be positive since
trade exposure is expected to increase inter-industry specialization pressures
(Brulhart and Thorpe, 2000: 730). Finally, the coefficients of both IIT and
IITxLTREX are expected to be negative given the smooth adjustment hypothesis.
The reason for the introduction of IITxLTREX in the second specification is the
expectation that IIT should matter more in sectors where the level of trade is
5. Empirical Results
The data used to measure the
variables defined above were all obtained from the SIS database. The non-trade
data are based on their annual Census of Industrial Production. This data was
only available for the period 1974-1999; hence, we considered it in the
estimations. This, however, is not an important shortcoming since the rate of
IIT starts reaching meaningful levels after 1980. All data have been deflated
using the 1987-based WPI.
We used three proxies for the IIT
variable. These are, the A-index for MIIT, the change in the GL index, DGL, and the GL index itself.
The A index and DGL have been
calculated as yearly changes. It has been shown by Oliveras and Terra (1997)
that A-indexes calculated for subintervals of a given interval cannot be
aggregated to the A index for the parent interval unless the net balance of
trade changes has the same sign in all subintervals. Since this situation may
be the exception rather than the rule, choice of interval in calculating the A
index is important. Brulhart (1999) has investigated this question within the
context of testing the SAH and has reached the conclusion that A indexes based
on yearly changes give the best results.3
The estimates are
given in Table 1. We find that (a) the coefficient of IIT is positive in all
specifications and for all proxies except for the coefficient of GLxLTREX; this
estimate, however, is not statistically significant, (b) the coefficient of the
A-index, even though positive, is statistically significant in the
specification with the interaction term and so is the coefficient of the
interaction term, (c) the coefficients of DGL and DGLxLTREX are positive but
statistically insignificant, while the coefficient of GL in the model without
an interaction term is positive and significant, but becomes insignificant when
GLxLTREX is introduced. These results are the reverse of what is expected when
testing the SAH and appear to be closer to what Brulhart and Thorpe (2000)
found for Malaysia. They call their findings for Malaysia “puzzling” but, in
view of Tharakan and Calfat (1999) and Greenaway et al. (2002)’s
Table 1 |
Panel Data Estimates For Yearly Changes |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
No interaction |
Interaction |
No interaction |
Interaction |
No interaction |
Interaction |
0.219 (5.236)c1 |
0.225 (5.379)c |
0.224 (5.346)c |
0.224 (5.345)c |
0.212 (5.038)c |
0.212 (5.043)c |
-0.024 (-0.577) |
-0.020 (-0.490) |
-0.024 (-0.569) |
-0.024 (-0.566) |
-0.035 (-0.841) |
-0.036 (-0.845) |
0.172 (2.366)b |
0.099 (1.259) |
0.178 (2.454)b |
0.178 (2.437)b |
0.149 (2.034)b |
0.168 (1.757)a |
A |
0.228 (1.403) |
0.626 (2.686)c |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.320 (2.374)b |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.262 (1.043) |
0.312 (0.737) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.019 (0.145) |
- |
- |
GL |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.492 (2.322)b |
0.417 (1.283) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
-0.041 (-0.306) |
R2 |
0.3631 |
0.3682 |
0.3623 |
0.3623 |
0.3662 |
0.3663 |
F |
131.499c |
100.695c |
131.041c |
98.147c |
133.287c |
99.858c |
SSR2 |
1099.996 |
1091.093 |
1101.391 |
1101.357 |
1094.593 |
1094.445 |
DW |
1.836 |
1.832 |
1.829 |
1.829 |
1.833 |
1.833 |
FE Test3 |
6.752c |
6.779c |
6.777c |
6.677c |
6.824c |
6.817c |
Chow Test4 |
3.236b |
2.137a |
2.595b |
2.756b |
2.318a |
2.030a |
NT |
725 |
725 |
725 |
725 |
725 |
725 |
empirical results
and Lovely and Nelson (2000, 2002)’s theoretical predictions, neither their
findings, nor ours may be unexpected. In fact, Lovely and Nelson (2000)
construct a model where the change in total trade is all intra-industry but
labour adjustment is all inter-industry. Thus, our expectations regarding the
sign of the coefficient of A need not be so strong.
The coefficient of LDCONs is
positive in all cases and they are all statistically significant. On the other
hand, the coefficient of LDPROD is negative in all cases but they are all
statistically insignificant. Finally, the coefficient of the trade exposure
variable, LTREX, is positive in all cases and is statistically significant except
in the specification with an interactive term and the A-index used as a proxy
for IIT.
We also performed two sets of tests
for both specifications. The first is a test of whether the fixed effects
specification is valid. We find this specification to hold in all cases. The
second test, the Chow test, is used to test if the coefficients of the
regressors, LDCONS, LDPROD, LTREX, IIT and IITxLTREX, are the same for the
subperiods (1974-75)-(1979-80) and (1980-81)-(1998-99). The outcomes of the
test, in all cases, indicate that a statistically significant structural shift
has occurred after 1980. This shift, apparently, is due to a significant shift
in the coefficient of LDPROD, turning it from a positive value to a negative
We also considered subsets of the
manufacturing industries that exhibited high IIT and MIIT rates. To determine
these subsets we first calculated the means of the GLit and Ait
over the period 1980-2001 and then took the average of these means across
industries. Industries with time-wise means greater than these averages were
chosen. The industries in question are given in Table 2. The first column has
the industries with high IIT rates, while the second column has the industries
with high MIIT rates. The final column contains the industries with both high
IIT and MIIT rates. We note that the intersection of the high IIT industry set
and the high MIIT industry set is not very large, implying that the correlation
between the GL and A indexes is relatively low.
We estimated the two specifications
given in equations (5) and (6) for all three subsets using yearly changes. The
results are presented in Table 4. and contain only the coefficient estimates of
the three IIT proxies, A, DGL and GL. The
coefficient of LDCONS is positive and significant, while the coefficient of
LDPROD is negative and insignificant in all cases considered. The coefficient
of LTREX is also positive throughout but its statistical significance varies.5
We note that we now have a few
negative coefficient estimates but only one of these, the coefficient of
GLxLTREX for the subset with high MIIT rates, is significantly different from
zero, but only at the 10% level of significance. It is hard to
Table 2 |
Industries with High IIT and/or MIIT Rates |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
311 Food
manufacturing |
311 Food
manufacturing |
311 Food
manufacturing |
314 Tobacco manufactures |
313 Beverage industries |
314 Tobacco
manufactures |
323 Manufacture of leather and
products of leather, leather substitutes and fur, except footwear and
wearing apparel |
314 Tobacco
manufactures |
323 Manufacture
of leather and products of leather, leather substitutes and fur, except
footwear and wearing apparel |
324 Manufacture of footwear,
except vulcanized or molded rubber or plastic footwear |
321 Manufacture of textiles |
324 Manufacture
of footwear, except vulcanized or molded rubber or plastic footwear |
331 Manufacture of wood and wood
and cork products, except furniture |
323 Manufacture
of leather and products of leather, leather substitutes and fur, except
footwear and wearing apparel |
356 Manufacture
of plastic products not elsewhere classified |
332 Manufacture of furniture
and fixtures, except primarily of metal |
324 Manufacture
of footwear, except vulcanized or molded rubber or plastic footwear |
371 Iron
and steel basic industries |
353 Petroleum refineries |
341 Manufacture of paper and
paper products |
372 Non-ferrous
metal basic industries |
356 Manufacture of plastic products
not elsewhere classified |
342 Printing, publishing and
allied industries |
381 Manufacture
of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
361 Manufacture of pottery, china
and earthenware |
351 Manufacture of industrial
chemicals |
390 Other
Manufacturing Industries |
369 Manufacture of other non-metallic
mineral products |
352 Manufacture of other chemical
products |
371 Iron and steel basic industries |
356 Manufacture
of plastic products not elsewhere classified |
372 Non-ferrous metal basic industries |
362 Manufacture of glass and
glass products |
381 Manufacture of fabricated
metal products, except machinery and equipment |
371 Iron and steel basic industries |
390 Other
Manufacturing Industries |
372 Non-ferrous
metal basic industries |
381 Manufacture
of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment |
382 Manufacture of machinery
except electrical |
383 Manufacture of electrical
machinery apparatus, appliances and supplies |
390 Other
Manufacturing Industries |
claim that this
constitutes evidence in favour of the smooth adjustment hypothesis. The rest of
the coefficient estimates are again positive and the strongest results are
found for the high MIIT subset but for the coefficients of DGL and GL, not, as one would
expect, for the coefficient of A.
5. Conclusions
In this
paper, we sought to test the smooth adjustment hypothesis based on an
Table 3 |
Panel Data Estimates for Subgroups of Industries
Based on Yearly Changes |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
No interaction |
Interaction |
No interaction |
Interaction |
No interaction |
Interaction |
A1 |
0.217 (1.015)2 |
0.667 (1.859)a |
0.185 (0.954) |
0.408 (1.392) |
0.275 (1.018) |
0.652 (1.295) |
- |
0.344 (1.561) |
- |
0.192 (1.014) |
- |
0.368 (0.886) |
-0.112 (-0.370) |
0.679 (1.279) |
0.917 (2.452)b |
0.126 (0.201) |
0.708 (1.457) |
-0.108 (-0.106) |
- |
0.405 (1.815)a |
- |
-0.436 (-1.566) |
0.708 (1.457) |
-0.671 (-0.910) |
GL |
0.306 (1.241) |
0.811 (1.929)a |
0.710 (2.421)b |
-0.0003 (-0.0005) |
0.591 (1.607) |
0.865 (1.136) |
- |
0.338 (1.481) |
- |
-0.469 (-1.890)a |
- |
0.214 (0.410) |
N |
15 |
15 |
18 |
18 |
9 |
9 |
T |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
NT |
375 |
375 |
450 |
450 |
225 |
225 |
Notes: 1.
The estimates are obtained from models that contain, in addition to
the IIT proxies, LDCONS, LDPROD and LTREX as explanatory variables. The
estimates pertaining to their coefficients are not presented in order to
focus on the IIT proxies. 2.
The figures in parentheses are t ratios. 3.
: Significant at the 10% level, (b)
: Significant at the 5% level, (c)
: Significant at the 1% level. |
econometric model
previously estimated by Brulhart and Thorpe (2000) for Malaysia. We used panel
data based on the ISIC (Rev.2) classification. We may list our conclusions as
1. We considered
the period (1974-75)-(1998-99) and found, when all manufacturing industries
were considered, that the coefficients of the IIT proxies were all positive
except for one (GLxLTREX) which was, nevertheless, statistically insignificant.
Although this result appears to go against expectation, whether this
expectation is always warranted is open to question. All IIT proxies, A
included, are production based measures. But, as Lovely and Nelson (2002: 192)
argue, “... changes in trade patterns reflect changes in production and demand.” Hence, the expected sign of
the changes in employment due to IIT may not, necessarily, be negative.
Coefficients that were positive and statistically significant were obtained
using the A and GL indexes, but not DGL.
3. We also
repeated the estimations for subsets of the industries with high IIT and/or
MIIT rates. In this case, we were able to obtain more significant results but
only one of these were negative. We also noted that now both DGL and GL appeared to
indicate stronger relationships with changes in employment.
4. In
sum, we were able to obtain some evidence of a significant relationship between
employment changes and IIT but, if we adhered to the strict expectation that
such a relationship should be negative, then we would have to agree with
Brulhart and Thorpe (2000) that this evidence is “puzzling”. But there are both
empirical and theoretical grounds for us to not entertain such a strict prior.
1. Brulhart (1999)
contains a simplified model where this holds. The link between MIIT and
adjustment costs is also discussed theoretically by Azhar, Elliot and Milner
(1998) and Lovely and Nelson (2000, 2002).
2. The X and M’s are
now measured in real terms since the MIIT indexes measure real changes in trade
flows. We, thus, expressed all series in TL terms using period-average exchange
rate series and, subsequently, adjusted them for inflation using the 1987 based
Wholesale Price Index (WPI). The exchange rate and WPI series were obtained
from the Central Bank database.
3. A indexes based
on yearly changes would show a lot of volatility; so we also carried out our
estimations using three-yearly changes which are expected to show a smoother
picture. The outcomes of these estimations did not lead to any changes in our
conclusions. Hence, we are not presenting them here. They are available upon
4. The estimates of
the model with structural shift dummies are available upon request. We also
estimated the two models for the (1980-81)-(1998-99) subperiod. The results
were similar to the ones obtained for the full period and are not repeated
here. They, also, are available upon request.
5. The detailed
estimation results are available upon request.
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