Proceedings of the Middle East Economic Association
2000 Proceedings of the Middle East Economic Association
Selected condensed papers presented in the 20th annual meeting of MEEA in conjunction with Allied Social Sciences Association in
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., January 7-9, 2000
Full papers can be requested from the authors.
Presentation of the articles in the Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies was made possible by a limited license granted to Loyola University Chicago and Middle East Economics Association from the authors who have retained all copyrights in the articles. The articles in this volume shall be cited as follows: (authors/title)Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, electronic journal, Volume 2, Middle East Economic Association and Loyola University Chicago, September, 2000.
ISSN: 2334-282X
Editor and Publisher of Electronic Journal
E. Mine Cinar, Loyola University Chicago
Research Associate
Elif Bohurler-Akosman, Loyola University Chicago
Editorial Advisory Board for Volume 2
Parvin Alizadeh, London Guildhall University
Sohrab Behdad, Denison University
Simel Esim, IDRC
Fatemeh Moghadam, Hofstra University
Jeffrey Nugent, University of Southern California
Jennifer Olmsted, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Bulent Uyar, University of Northern Iowa
Tariq Yousef, Georgetown University
Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies - Volume 2
Models of Economic and Financial Crises
Roberto S. Mariano,University of Pennsylvania,
Bulent N. Gultekin,University of Pennsylvania,
Suleyman Ozmucur,University of Pennsylvania,
Tayyeb Shabbir,University of Pennsylvania
Underwriter Reputation and Short-Run IPO Returns: A Re-evaluation for an Emerging Market
Nuray Guner, Middle East Technical University, Zeynep Onder
Zeynep Onder, Bilkent University
Seza Danisoglu Rhoades, Middle East Technical University
Budgetary Institutions in Turkey
Izak Atiyas, Sabanci University
Serif Sayin, The World Bank
Decomposition of Income Inequality: Evidence from Turkey
Jacques Silber, Bar-Ilan University
Süleyman Ozmucur, University of Pennsylvania
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Copyright (c)2000-2012 Middle East Economic Association
ISSN: 2334-282X